I have avoided Apple products since Apple was founded. I will be happy to continue avoiding Apple products until they get out of China completely. I'm far happier with my two new biz laptops that were made in South Korea, a democracy, then I believe I would have been with something made in a communist country.

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"Dump it in a hole" was the thought behind Yucca Mountain, but after billions spent on research and site prep, it's still sitting empty.

Some method of overriding endless local protesting will be needed if this idea if using expended oil wells is to be successful.

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That "endless local protesting" is done for a reason - mainly because the prospect of nuclear contamination in one's ground water is not pleasant, nor conducive to healthy living. We all know how well certain things are done in the US... what are the chances that nuclear storage in a bore hole would be done to the highest specifications in order to protect the environment?

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The reason I’ve never bought AirPods is I know I’ll lose them.

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